While regenerative agriculture can (and should) look different for every operation, the business case and value proposition for replicating and growing its adoption is increasingly garnering interest from groups within and beyond the food system. Many now acknowledge its potential to help address several sustainability crises by sequestering carbon, supporting climatic, environmental and economic health and creating employment and business opportunities. However, scaling the practice continues to face many obstacles.

The Regenerative Agriculture Lab (RAL) is using social innovation methodology to create a collaborative platform for those along the agri-food value chain (e.g. farmers, researchers, food retailers) to incubate, test and explore ideas, initiatives, policies and programs that can accelerate the adoption of regenerative agriculture in Alberta.

Using The Social Innovation Lab Model to Advance Change

A Social Innovation Lab is a process that brings together diverse stakeholders to address complex social problems involving research, experimentation, and prototyping of solutions. Labs are convened to generate high-potential interventions by carefully listening to all those affected. They bring research to bear on a problem in order to gain system-level insights that will help redefine problems and identify opportunities for introducing innovation. Labs begin with a focus on defining problems, mapping systems, and gaining a deep understanding of the dynamics that hold systems in place. By supporting multi-stakeholder engagement and prototyping, labs are particularly effective for addressing complex challenges.

Phase 2 of RAL consists of committed producers, industry leaders, food distributors and retailers, academics, policymakers and innovative thinkers working together to learn and take action on initiatives that respond to the question:

How might we grow Alberta’s regenerative agriculture system in a way that preserves its integrity while maximizing the positive social, environmental and economic impacts for communities?

RAL participants engage with one another in various formats (e.g. workshops, webinars, breakout groups) to co-create and develop an agreed set of core principles, a shared vision and strategic initiatives to advance regenerative agriculture in the province. 

The main goal of RAL is to build supportive ‘infrastructure’ in order to unleash the potential of regenerative agriculture to achieve multiple environmental, economic and social outcomes in Alberta. We are also interested in building pathways to encourage further adoption of regenerative practices.

We refer to this as advancing regenerative agriculture with integrity.  

Ingredients For Successful Transition to Regenerative Agriculture

As we’ve advanced through phase 2 of the Regenerative Agriculture Lab, participants have identified five strategic initiatives: Stewardship Ownership, Polycultures/Biodiversity, Train the Healer, Data is Beautiful and Disruptive Distribution.

These areas of focus expanded our understanding of the importance of facilitating transitions to regenerative agriculture. In order to effect change, three essential ingredients have been identified as being significant to enable the shift in practices.

  1. Communities of support matter: If farmers get help from other farmers and experts who know about regenerative farming, they are more likely to think about making changes to their farms. When more farmers start using regenerative farming methods, it creates a good social environment (where there is less judgment and more appreciation), and other farmers want to join in to start farming that way too.

  2. Knowledge and data are important: If farmers learn about the advantages of regenerative agriculture and see the benefits in numbers, they are more likely to think about changing the way they farm. When farmers find out about regenerative practices that work well for their type of farming (like beef or grain) and the area where they farm, they are more likely to make plans and start making changes in their farming methods.

  3. Sound economics is key: If farmers can lower their risk in making the transition to regenerative farming and can get financial help to make the switch easier, they are more likely to invest in the change. If regenerative farming methods can help farms increase profits and increase resiliency to unexpected changes, then more farmers will think about switching to these methods. If farmers are financially incentivized for making good contributions to the environment (like for soil, water or biodiversity), and for capturing carbon, they will want to keep using regenerative farming methods.

Four Initiatives Aimed at Propelling Change

Stewardship Ownership

Steward ownership structures enterprises for fairer, more sustainable ownership and decision-making, especially in agricultural land and real estate. It prioritizes long-term stewardship, ensuring land, ecosystems, and communities thrive. This model keeps ownership and decision-making with those directly involved and committed to the land’s mission and values.

Currently, the Steward Ownership group aims to complete four more pilot projects using adaptable structures and templates, offering a unique opportunity not currently available on the market.


Biodiversity is key to regenerative agriculture but isn’t widely adopted due to industry norms and limited research. By working with applied research groups and innovative producers, we can share knowledge and promote biodiversity-friendly practices across Alberta.

The Polycultures/Biodiversity initiative raises awareness and engages researchers, seed companies, and producers. The team has launched a polyculture campaign, providing seed blend samples, running a 14-producer seed plot trial and hosting field days, videos and educational talks.


Regenerative agriculture can’t grow without education. People are hesitant to try new practices, but seeing others succeed makes it easier to take the leap.

The Amplify initiative builds supportive communities for farmers and ranchers adopting regenerative practices. It provides education, training and peer-to-peer learning. Working with other RAL groups and the Alberta Extension Collaborative, Amplify organizes field days, producer spotlights and the human library. All content will be available in the upcoming RAL Resource Hub, offering resources, mentorship and region-specific guidance.


Healthy soil is essential for farming, supporting crops, retaining nutrients, and reducing fertilizer use and erosion. While soil health is gaining attention, barriers still prevent many producers from getting involved.

The Data initiative builds confidence in regenerative practices by collecting and sharing soil health data. It connects producers, scientists and agronomists through field days, an Alberta-wide soil health database and the upcoming RAL Resource Hub, providing resources to help farmers engage in soil health on their own terms.

Do any of these initiatives look interesting to you?

We are currently looking for more people to join each initiative, so this could be your opportunity to join this unique and evolving social lab. If you believe you have the knowledge, experience and time to help progress one of our initiatives, we’d love to hear from you.


Organic, Biodynamic & Biodiverse Farming – Sand Springs Ranch – Lac La Biche, AB

Janice and her husband, Ty Shelton, have been running Sand Springs Ranch, a certified organic operation, with a philosophy for biodiversity for over 35 years. They raise grass-finished beef, pasture-raised pork, and grow organic vegetables, and both table and seed potatoes in northeastern Alberta. “We are a small family farm. We consider ourselves small compared to the big guys.”

Biodiversity and diversification are at the heart of what the Sheltons do at Sand Springs Ranch, from relying on the unique skillsets of every family member to feeding their cattle a blend of hay from a variety of fields – all with different soil biology and nutrients – to diversifying their products and marketing strategies, to cultivating lesser known varieties of potatoes.

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In Conversation with Rachel Herbert – Trail’s End Beef – Nanton, AB

‘Sustainability’ is what drives the Herbert family, owners of Trail’s End Beef, a grass-fed and finished beef ranch, nestled outside of the town of Nanton, in the Porcupine Hills of southern Alberta. Rachel and Tyler, with the help of their two children, practice rotational grazing management and steward the native grasslands, rolling hills, abundant springs, and sheltering poplar and willow groves. They raise calves entirely on pasture (and stored forage through the winter) until they’re 26 to 29 months-old, and direct market the beef to a diverse customer-base in southern Alberta.

The Herbert family ranches with an ethic for animal care, and environmental stewardship and regeneration, protecting watersheds, planting cover crops, and allowing the land to rest between grazing. They share the native grassland with a variety of wild ‘neighbours’, including geese, songbirds, coyotes, muskrat, cougars and grizzly bears.

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Intercropping: Experimenting for Diversity – Andy Kirschenman – Hilda, AB

Intercropping is something that I was first drawn to after reading articles about Colin Rosengren, a grain farmer who practices intercropping on his farm, Rosengren Farm, in southern Saskatchewan. Fifteen years ago, I first experimented with managing 20 acres of peas and canola, and have since tried different combinations almost every year. I have managed as much as 600 acres, and as little as zero in the years after that first try. I have experimented with different crops together and different seeding rates.

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