Farming with Nature Workshop
January 27th 2020 – Millet, AB

Date: January 27th, 2020; 9am – 3pm.
Location: Millet Agriplex. 5400 – 45 Ave, Millet, AB.
Presenters: ALUS Canada, Ducks Unlimited, Cows and Fish and Viresco Solutions.
Cost: $15

As agricultural producers you’ve probably heard at least one person in your circle say something along the lines of “I wish we got reimbursed for our positive environmental impacts”. Maybe you’ve even had the thought yourself. Wouldn’t it be nice to be rewarded for being environmentally beneficial? Sure, it’s plenty rewarding to sit back and watch our land flourish as we implement more and more beneficial management practices, but our bottom lines need to work out too. What are the options available to us to receive compensation for the services we do for the environment?

Join Rural Routes to Climate Solutions and Alberta’s leading land stewardship organizations for our Farming with Nature Workshop. A day filled with information about programs available for agricultural producers that can provide financial support for ecosystem goods and services and how producers can apply to these programs. Other topics discussed include how ecosystem goods and services can benefit the producer, not just monetarily, but through increased production, water storage, land resilience and soil health.

There will also be speakers on hand to discuss opportunities for agricultural producers in the growing carbon market, sharing their knowledge of protocols cattle producers may see available in Alberta in the next few years. They will help explain how these protocols can potentially benefit producers and how preparing for such protocols now will have producers ready to take off running when the protocols are implemented. There will also be discussion about current marketing demands for beef produced with beneficial environmental impact.

If you are a cattle producer (or generally interested in ecosystems and carbon markets) and you’re looking for more ways to boost your pasture’s production then you won’t want to miss out on this workshop!

This workshop is being put on with the assistance of Leduc County and County of Wetaskiwin.

Want to learn more? We recommend listening to our podcast episodes Ecosystem Services with Christine Campbell of ALUS Canada and Farming with Biodiversity Part 3 with economist Marian Weber in preparation for the workshop.

Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (#RR2CS) is a program of the Stettler Adult Learning Centre. We empower agricultural producers in rural Alberta with climate solutions that benefit farms and ranches. Our partners include Food Water Wellness Foundation, Young Agrarians, Organic Alberta and many farmers across the province!

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