Alberta boasts some of the highest solar potential of any province in Canada and both industry and individuals are taking notice. From 2015 to 2018, Alberta’s solar industry grew by 500% from 6 MW to 35 MW of capacity. From 2019 to 2021 there are a number of significant projects connecting to the grid including the 400 MW Travers project in Vulcan County. The Travers project is being developed by a Calgary-based utility without government subsidies.
At a smaller scale many homeowners are also making the switch to solar power. According to the AUC the number of micro-generation sites for solar PV nearly doubled from 2,738 to 4,175 in just one year (August 2018 – August 2019). Want to learn more about what solar can do for you?
Date: November 20, 2019; 6 – 9 pm
Location: Stettler Learning Centre
Presenters: Newo Global Energy
Cost: Free, includes light supper
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (RR2CS) has partnered with NEWO Energy to deliver a Solar 101 workshop in Stettler. We’ll go over topics such as how to determine the size of system you need, the components of a solar PV system, whether to ground mount or roof mount and why, micro-gen regulations, incentives and more. Bring a couple electricity bills from different months if you would like NEWO to give you a rough quote for a solar PV system that would meet your needs.
We will also talk about the future of solar locally, nationally, and internationally, as well as the role of community-owned solar, energy co-ops and social enterprise in the bigger picture of Alberta’s future energy landscape and climate change.
Presenter: Newo Global Energy is a not-for-profit company based in Camrose, Alberta. They specialize in solar PV design and installation – residential, farm, commercial – while also offering a full range of electrical contracting, along with permaculture gardening and water conservation services.
A light supper will be served with the workshop. Please let us know in your registration if you have any dietary allergies or restrictions. Advance pre-registration is required for this event so that we can determine the amount of food we need to order. Last minute arrivals without a ticket will not be admitted.
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (#RR2CS) is a program of the Stettler Learning Centre. We empower Alberta’s agricultural producers and the communities they live in with climate solutions. Our partners include Food Water Wellness Foundation, Young Agrarians, Organic Alberta and many farmers across the province!
Want to learn more? Listen to Episode 8: Community Renewable Energy with Binnu Jeyakumar of the Pembina Institute and Episode 18: Solar Q&A of our podcast series.