Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (RR2CS) is an Alberta-based initiative shining a spotlight on the climate solutions that farmers, ranchers and communities in rural Alberta can benefit from. RR2CS is happy to announce its Siksikaitsitapi Agriculture Project (SAP) is seeking representative members of the Siksika, Kainai, and Piikani Nations to form the SAP Advisory Committee. The committee will consist of Blackfoot Knowledge Keepers, Elders, farmers, ranchers, food security specialists, and public/environmental/mental health professionals.
The SAP Advisory Committee will advise and support the inclusion of Siksikaitsitapi stakeholders in the areas of agriculture, and in the decision making process of the SAP Project Manager and Project Coordinators by sharing lived experiences, Blackfoot ways of knowing and protocols, and professional knowledge as it pertains to agricultural practices and co-benefits that impact the communities. The advisory committee will also provide Blackfoot cultural guidance to other RR2CS programming and staff as needed, creating a space for respectful relation building and collaboration between all parties.
Membership Role and Expectations:
- Participation in bi- monthly meetings
- Experience as an agriculture producer (rancher, farmer, harvester, etc) is an asset
- Experience working in community, environmental or mental health is an asset
- Experience working in community
- Willingness to share Blackfoot values and traditional knowledge as protocol allows
- Blackfoot language speaker encouraged but not required
- Promote positive systemic opportunities within SAP and RR2CS
If interested, please contact:
Susan Solway – Naatowohk’kyiyo
SAP Project Manager
What is SAP?
The Siksikaitsitapi Agriculture Project (SAP) is a long-term initiative aimed to empower Siksikaitsitapi communities (also known as Blackfoot Confederacy) with their traditional harvesting knowledge and practices and other agricultural climate solutions, through community workshops, field days, podcast stories, and webinars. The project uses agricultural climate solutions to promote reconciliation, equity, and systemic change. These solutions complement the Blackfoot traditional knowledge, which focuses on leaving the land in better shape than how it was found.