Perennial Grains Webinar
July 25th, 2019

We recently got back from a great visit to the Breton Plots in Breton, Alberta where we learned all about the innovative research being done by the University of Alberta on perennial grain contributions to soil health. For those of you who couldn’t make it, this is an excellent opportunity to ask about the role of perennial grains in Alberta.

Date: Thursday July 25th, 2019; 12pm-2pm
Presenter: Erin Daly, Phd Candidate at the University of Alberta

Perennial grains are grain crops that live and remain productive for two or more years, rather than growing for only one season before harvest, like most grains and annual crops. A great advantage of perennial grains over annual crops is their extensive root systems. Perennial grains can take up water and nutrients from deeper in the soil, they can contribute to improved soil structure, and they can also help add much needed organic matter back into the earth. If this interests you, join our webinar and find out more about the impressive benefits of perennial grains!

If you plan on participating in the webinar, why not listen to our podcast Episode 21 about perennial cereal grains and featuring Erin Daly, Phd candidate at the University of Alberta, beforehand to help fine tune your questions.

The webinar will be led by Daly, who is currently conducting research on perennial rye at the Breton Plots. Erin’s presentation will take approximately 20 to 30 minutes and then we’ll have 1.5 hours for Q&A and group discussion. Rural Routes to Climate Solutions events always have great group discussions.

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