Yeoford Hall, 465076 – Rge Rd 31, AB
Hosted by Rural Routes to Climate Solutions, the County of Wetaskiwin, Brazeau County and Leduc County.
Location: Yeoford Hall 465076 – Rge Rd 31, County of Wetaskiwin.
Presenter(s): Mike Underschultz , Forest Health & Adaptation, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.
Cost: FREE.
The mountain pine beetle is the most serious pest of the mature pines in western Canada. Over the past couple of years they have moved east of the foothills into Yellowhead, Lac Ste Anne, Parkland, Brazeau, Leduc, Wetaskiwin, Clearwater, Ponoka, and Lacombe counties. In this workshop, Mike Underschultz from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry will be sharing everything you need to know about how to identify mountain pine beetles, prevent infestations, and manage your trees.
Attacked trees can be identified by accumulations of pitch tubes and sawdust around entry holes. Adult beetles bore into mature pines from July to September. Under low to normal populations, Mountain Pine Beetles act as a natural forest renewal agent by killing weak or old trees to open up the canopy for new growth. However, with the higher populations that the province is recording, Mountain Pine Beetles can kill up to 80% or more pine trees in a given stand. This can lead to a change in water tables, an increase in stream flow, and earlier run-off patterns, and an increased risk of wildfire.
Want to learn more? Listen to our podcast episode on Agroforestry featuring agroforestry specialist Gary Bank and find out how preserving and planting trees and shrubs can be good for your land.
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions (#RR2CS) is a program of the Stettler Adult Learning Centre. We empower agricultural producers in rural Alberta with climate solutions that benefit farms and ranches. Our partners include Food Water Wellness Foundation, Young Agrarians, Organic Alberta and many farmers across the province!