Agroforestry and Erosion Control
January 27th, 2022

Join RR2CS and the team from AWES to discuss how agroforestry practices can be used to reduce soil erosion on Alberta landscapes.
Grazing for Water Management
January 21st, 2022

Join RR2CS and Dr. Timm Doebert of the University of Alberta to discuss how you can use AMP grazing to help increase water infiltration in your pastures.
Solar 101
October 20th, 2021

Join RR2CS and Nicholas Kwan Wong of
Solar Alberta to discuss everything you need to know right now about solar energy in Alberta .
Solar Installations on the Farm
September 16th, 2021

Join us and Lee Sinal of KCP Energy to discuss solar installations on the farm.
Farming with Nature Webinar
June 10th 2021

Please join RR2CS and Carrie Selin of EcoServices Network to learn more about ecosystem services and the Grasslands Conservation Exchange Pilot project.
Acreage Owners and Climate Solutions Webinar
June 4th 2021

Please join RR2CS for a discussion for acreage owners and how they can implement climate solutions on their property.
Water Management: Pond Levelers Webinar
May 28th 2021

Please join RR2CS and Katie McLachlan of Peace Country Beef and Forage Association as we discuss the findings of their pond leveler project.
Soil Health Webinar
April 2021

Join us for a conversation about soil health with Dr. Kris Nichols!
Mountain Pine Beetle Webinar
April 21st 2021

Please join us to learn how to identify, prevent, and manage your trees against Mountain Pine Beetle infestations.
Solar Installations on the Farm
November 12th, 2020

Join us and Lee Sinal of KCP Energy to discuss solar installations on the farm.