Community Renewable Energy Webinar
October 1st, 2020

Find out how communities in Alberta are benefiting from community-owned renewable energy projects.
Passive Solar Greenhouse Webinar
September 24th, 2020

Join us and Dong Jianyi of Freshpals Farm in Olds, AB, to discuss passive solar greenhouse design.
Solar Installations on the Farm
August 19th, 2020

Join us and Lee Sinal of KCP Energy to discuss solar installations on the farm.
Farm Water Management
August 5th, 2020

Join us and Takota Coen of Coen Farm to discuss farm water management.
Perennial Grains Webinar
June 17th, 2020

Join us, Resilient Rurals, and Phd Candidate Erin Daly of the University of Alberta to learn more about perennial grains in Alberta!
Intercropping Webinar
June 3rd, 2020

Join us, Resilient Rurals, and Dr. Eric Bremer of Western Ag Innovation to learn more about intercropping in Alberta!
Building Resilient Farms Workshop
March 21st, 2020 – Bruderheim, AB

Join us in Bruderheim, AB to learn about how you can improve your soil’s health and build a more resilient farm.
Giving Credit to Soil Carbon Workshop
February 19th, 2020 – Mayerthorpe, AB

Learn about the benefits of carbon sequestration and how to get soil carbon credits for your farm!
Farming, Energy, and Ecosystems Workshop
February 27th, 2020 – Bonnyville, AB

Join us in Bonnyville, AB to learn about green energy solutions and ecosystem services for your farm. We’ll have presenters from the green energy sector, government, and finance to answer questions about how Alberta farms can benefit from transitioning to green energy solutions and implementing farm practices that protect the surrounding ecosystems.
Passive Solar Greenhouse Workshop
February 22nd, 2020 – Athabasca, AB

Want to learn about greenhouse growing that keeps your energy bills and carbon footprint down? Join our workshop this winter!