Perennial Grains Webinar
July 25th, 2019

Perennial crop production (grains, oilseeds, pulses) is an emerging field of research in North America. Some of the research on perennial cereal grain is taking place in right here in Alberta. We are giving you an opportunity to connect with one of the University of Alberta researchers.
Perennial Grain & Soil Health Workshop
June 20th, 2019 – Breton, AB

Perennial crop production (grains, oilseeds, pulses) is an emerging field of research in North America. Some of the research on perennial cereal grain is taking place in right here in Alberta at one of the province’s oldest agriculture research stations. We are giving you an opportunity to see it for yourself.
Passive Solar Greenhouse Growing Field Day
– May 25th, 2019 –

Want to check out a greenhouse that keeps your energy bills and carbon footprint down? Join our first field day of the year!
Passive Solar Greenhouse WEBINAR
– April 10th, 2019 –

Want to learn how to grow greens in a greenhouse that produces almost zero greenhouse gases and keeps your energy bills down? Join our webinar with Daniel Chappell of Olds College.
Creating a Farmers Co-operative WEBINAR
FEBRUARY 2ND, 2019 –

Been toying with the idea of forming an agricultural producers co-operative? Learn how to create a co-op with other producers and hear from producers who have already formed their own.
Soil Carbon Measurement Workshop
October 1, 2018 – Irricana, AB

It doesn’t matter what kind of agriculture you are involved in, soil carbon is the lifeblood of your farm or ranch. Soil microbes feed on it and in exchange soil becomes fertile and productive. This process also provides a valuable service of sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the ground.
Farm Energy Efficiency Workshop
September 7, 2018 – Ferintosh, AB

Farm and ranches in Alberta are always looking for ways to be more efficient in order to save time and money and minimize adverse impacts on the land. We are going to give you a crash course on how to make your farm or ranch more energy efficient.
November 24th, 2018 – LACOMBE, AB

Clean, renewable sources of energy are a perfect fit for Alberta’s farms and ranches. Agricultural producers work hard to care for the land that supports their livelihood, families and communities. Farmers and ranchers deserve a type of energy production that does the same.
Perennial Grain Workshop
July 13, 2018 – Breton, AB

Perennial crop production (grains, oilseeds, pulses) is an emerging field of research in North America. Some of the research on perennial cereal grain is taking place in right here in Alberta at one of the province’s oldest agriculture research stations. We are giving you an opportunity to see it for yourself.
Farming with Biodiversity
June 23, 2018 – Sundre, AB

Alberta’s farms and ranches are home to so much more than livestock and crops. From dung beetles to deer, crocuses to spruce trees, countless wildlife species live and thrive on agricultural land. In fact, the more diverse a farm or ranch is in plants and animals the more agricultural producers benefit. It is a win-win for producers and ecosystems.